Life is a tragedy (2)

That's a piteous life. Life that obsessed by existence is pity.
Because, he feels a sense of emptiness and he can't fill that empty.
And, He never can get he want cause his existence is not there.

But, If you can feel your life is enough,
If you know your life is rich and beautiful,
You don't need other world. You don't need others memory or judgment.

Human's Life is Sad. But, That reason is cause Human's Life is beautiful.

You are a home sapiens. We are a just home sapiens.
But, You know the age of the universe.
And You know existence about from black hole to polar bear.
And You can feel sadness and endless beautiful too.

But, You who know it will die at last.
So, Life is beautiful so, Life is sad.

Try to live truly. Your soul will be rich and pure
And You will get to know someday you have got a soul that can't change with anything.

Truly, Human has shining sprite although human is living nearly depend on animal desires. But, If you think about you as a human itself, You will notice how much you are a surprising existence.
Take a look yourself. And see what we have got.

Human, Has got really much possibility in spite of sometimes we feel much disappointment at this world.
You are the universe. and your existence is waiting you get to know that.